Monday, February 11, 2008


So I woke up today feeling some energy, which is good. I did not work out, but I feel that is all that matters. I also get a massage this afternoon.

Anyway, I am starting to think that I may not loose weight this week either. The scale is up even higher and it is starting to concern me. I have added more fruits and veggies to my diet and started working out harder..and my weight is still least this weekend it did.

I read the "burn the fat blog" post on Friday and it explained that you need to be in a calorie deficit. I believe I am in a calorie deficit...but the scale is saying otherwise. It also suggested going into maintenance mode for a week or so...but I don't know if I should do that? I still want to loose more for the cruise.

Anyway, I haven't even eaten all of my 35 extra flexpoints and I would think my weight would go down. I really am confused about what my body is doing. Should I eat more or less? I am still overweight and the article says you plateau when you are closer to your goal weight..which I still want to lose 20 pounds to be even considered healthy on my BMI. What to do? I don't know.

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