Ok, so my excuses for not excercising in the past were always because I wanted to watch a particular tv show. I love tv, but I don't really think this was the reason. I think I just used it as any easy excuse. Now that I have tivo, I can tivo anything I was watching and watch it after my workout or during my treadmill portion. This has pretty much taken away my excuse to not excercise in the evening after work. I also only tivo certain programs on the tv in front of the treadmill so if I want to watch them I have to workout on the treadmill. I also put no furniture in this room either. It is working somehow..but then I encountered another obstacle, but overcame it.
Last night I fell asleep on the couch upstairs watching tv. I knew I wanted to do an hour workout and all of a sudden told myself I was too tired to do it. I then made myself get up and do it. I had so much energy after I got done that I did a load of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, got my lunch together and ran the dishwasher afterwards. Would I have done this if I didn't excercise..hell no, I would of layed on the couch all night. So the power of excercise for me is it gives me great energy. You would think that if you were tired already that it would make you more tired..but it doesn't.
So I am now adding tivo the the things I like list. It is the best invention in the whole world.
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