I am finally back at work. The college I work at is doing a building restoration and they have been scraping and painting windows in the building I'm in, so I have been here for short times the whole week. It was really loud, smelly and super distracting. I also took my B-day off.
On Tuesday, I blew and bagged leaves at my house. Currently, my house is up for sale. It has been on the market since June. I really hope one day it sells, but for now I have to keep the yard looking good. This is a big source of stress and anxiety for me. If I keep it out of my mind I seem to be okay. On the cool note, I noticed how much easier it was to bag leaves this year than last. I am in so much better shape and it feels so good to be able to do active things without feeling like I am going to die.
Anyway, I got some great gifts! I got starbucks gift cards...I am so addicted to the NF Car. Mocc. w/ extra foam it is not funny. I got roses from my boyfriend, dinner at San Chez (spanish food), a yoga package and 2 professional massages. He went a bit overboard but I love my gifts! I also got a TCBY yogurt cake and had the whole family over to eat it. I am so glad the cake did not sit around and wait to be eaten by me. I always get the peanut butter cup roll cake for my birthday and before the last 2 years, I would eat it by myself for the week. I would easily eat half of it on my birthday and then finish it off for the next couple of days. It is so much better just to have your family over to eat it.
I also had my flexpoints renewed so that came in handy for San Chez and cake. I did feel a bit off for the night and woke up at 1 a.m. super thirsty and had to get water. I guess my body isn't used to the salt and sugar. I worked out yesterday also, which helped me feel a bit better.
When my family was over for cake all they did was complain about their weight. I paused for a second and thought...did I act like that?...YES. I decided I am not going to do that anymore or gloat about my weight loss to them. If they ask I will tell them, but I don't want to be annoying so I am done with that. I really have nothing to complain about in my life except maybe the house not selling.
8 Weighted Ab Exercises to Upgrade Your Core Work
19 hours ago
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