It is super humid out and has been so for the last 2 days. I got my haircut on Wednesday and I have had bad frizzy hair days for the past 2 days. My hair feels like straw when it should feel nice because I got it cut. I hate humid weather and am looking forward to more dry days. Those are few and far between in Michigan...except in winter.
Anyway, I have been eating a lot this week also. I have been craving Jimmy Johns for some reason. I swear they put crack in their subs. I had a turkey tom 2 days in a row and their chips yesterday. I think I am over it now though. The bf made me deep dish pizza last night because he knows how much I love it and never get was so good! So I had to eat 2 large pieces and before dinner I had a vanilla ice cream cone. Wednesday I had a peanut butter cup first all summer...but it was a lot of ice cream to eat and I felt a bit guilty after eating it. I got over that though. At least I haven't been eating them all summer. I do prefer something smaller though, I at least figured that out.
I am hoping to not go over in my points today because I need some for Labor day and our cookout party. I have not been eating all my extra flex points and I think this week it caught up to me with a larger than normal appetite. I probably shouldn't do that 2 weeks in a row. I just wanted to see 179 so bad. I think I should just add more exercise and not cut down the eating. It is all a process. I hope I do well on Labor day, at least I will be distracted by playing Rockband all day!
8 Weighted Ab Exercises to Upgrade Your Core Work
13 hours ago