I had an interesting afternoon/evening yesterday and found myself very stressed out. I could not wait to get to yoga for some relaxation time. Yoga was great and I felt relaxed afterwards, but the stressed-out thoughts kept coming up for me last night. I am kind of glad that I didn't have any junk food in the house because I found myself looking through the cupboards a couple of times last night. I think it is sad that I turn to food when stressed, but at least I tried to help things with yoga beforehand. It also didn't help that I had all of my flexpoints to spend. I settled with chocolate milk and some baked chips. I think it helped and then I mostly just waited it out.
I then found myself flipping through the channels last night trying to not think about my stressful day and I found an MTV True Life episode, called "I can't stay thin." I have to say I totally relate to both of the people they profiled. I totally understood everything they felt and went through, because I have been there many times. I have to say I have gotten passed the cycle, but I think it is always there in the back of my mind..I just know it is not the right decision to make. At times I was watching the show and felt like I was watching a drug addict go get their fix. I was uncomfortable at times watching because it seemed so close to my own experiences. I do think knowledge about how to eat would help these people and the girl profiled actually went to a dietitian and lost 7 pounds from it. That wasn't fast enough for her so she decided on nutrisystem. Who knows why, I would rather not eat than eat that vacuum packed crap. I hope she goes back to the dietitian. Seeing that makes me want to go to one.
8 Weighted Ab Exercises to Upgrade Your Core Work
19 hours ago
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