Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weather, foot, gain...uggh!

We are having some sort of a warm-up this week here. It is currently 48 degrees, but it feels like 43 according to the Weather Channel. Michigan weather is so weird every year. Anyway, it is supposed to get colder during the end of this week..I just wish it would stay when it warms up. It is like a cruel trick. You get used to the slightly warmer weather and it gets cold again and it feels super cold..because your not used to it anymore.

Anyway, my foot issue (ganglion cyst) is acting up again so I have to go in for another cortisone shot. This is one of the most painful things I have to do regularly. It makes me cry and scream and squirm. In the long run though, it makes my foot feel good. I just have to take that first few days off from exercising because I can't feel my foot. I am hoping for an okay weigh-in Wednesday morning (I just hope it isn't really bad). I worked really hard the week before last and if I went back up to 185 I may cry. But if I did, I will get it down again...right? Right.

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